Google Map Shortcodes

Place a Map Anywhere You Want

  • [gmap height=»250px» latitude=»40.714353″ longitude=»-74.005973″]

  • Sample Usages:

    • Page Header
    • Sidebar Widget
    • Content Element
    • Contact Page Box
    • Page Footer
Get The Code

[gmap height=»250px» latitude=»40.714353″ longitude=»-74.005973″]

Customize The Entire Look

[gmap height=»400px» latitude=»40.714353″ longitude=»-74.005973″ marker=»standard» color=»#ff6c36″ marker_icon=»/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/gmap_marker_1_v01.png»]You can plce some text here…[/gmap]

Get The Code

[gmap height=»400px» latitude=»40.714353″ longitude=»-74.005973″ marker=»standard» color=»#ff6c36″ marker_icon=»/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/gmap_marker_1_v01.png»]You can plce some text here…[/gmap]

Shortcode documentation

[gmap doc=»true»]